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Easley Softball Club

The Mid-South's Top Baseball Club is excited to announce the launch of Easley Softball Club! Make sure to stay up to date on our latest news for more information. Thank you guys for all of your support for EBC and we can not wait to see ESC takeoff!



Our staff consists of former professional and collegiate players that have performed at the highest levels. The staff and their experience is what separates our camp and really brings the elite-edge to what we do.

A Few Staff and Instructors:

Chelsea Bramlett- MS State All American, Team USA, Collegiate Coach

Ed Easley- MS State All American, Johnny Bench Award Winner, St Louis Cardinals

Bill Selby- University of Southern Miss, Boston Red Sox, Cleveland Indians

Ivy Renfroe- University of Tennessee

Kyler Trosclair Klatt- University of Memphis

Brandon Sing- Chicago Cubs Organization

Kyle Watson- Ole Miss, Pittsburgh Pirates Organization

Jordan Barnes- NWCC, New York Yankees Organization

Addison Maxwell- University of Memphis, Collegiate Coach

Jon Mungle- MS State All American, Milwaukee Brewers Organization

Regan Hadley- University of Memphis, Collegiate Coach

Ali McKnight- Cumberland University, Owner of McKnight Softball Instruction

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